"Thanks to the Internet, I'm learning modern plumbing techniques not covered in my outdated
It's preparing me for today's workforce with the latest skills and knowledge."
A Student At Nanyuki Vocational Training Centre.
Collaboration is at the heart of our mission. We are grateful for our partners and donors who
us provide important resources to our communities. Together, we break down barriers to digital inclusion
and empower individuals for growth, education, and economic empowerment
Satya Nadella, Ceo, Microsoft, A Mawingu.org Impact Partner
"My dream is to be able to enable the local entrepreneurs to have low-cost connectivity solutions.”
o Inclusive Connectivity:
We work to ensure everyone in Mawingu-connected communities, including
women and marginalized groups, has access to meaningful Internet by
leveraging the existing infrastructure at affordable rates.
o Driving Partnerships:
Our collaborations focus on providing access to devices, financing,
digital literacy and skills, progressively breaking down barriers to
digital inclusion.
o Community Involvement:
We actively engage local communities, involving them in the planning and implementation of
digital inclusion projects to ensure they meet local needs. These projects are embraced and led by
community members, fostering local leadership and sustainable change.
o Ensuring Sustainability:
We create self-sustaining models for community digital access, ensuring
long-term benefits and scalability.
World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS) May
Mawingu, through its social impact arm, is recognised at the World Summit on the
Society (WSIS)+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024,
following its commitment to expand digital access to
marginalised communities and
institutions leading to enhanced access to
information and
The Laikipia Clinics Connectivity Initiative
The Mawingu Foundation Vision & Mission
A digitally included Africa where rural communities seamlessly integrate
into the global economy.
We partner with a diverse range of local and global stakeholders to drive
holistic approach to digital
inclusion, leveraging the Mawingu network to
ensure that every individual, including women and
marginalized groups,
benefits from meaningful and affordable connectivity for education, growth,
and economic empowerment.